
Regain Clear Skin with Chemical Peel Treatment for Acne & Acne Scars


Acne is a common skin condition that occurs when hair follicles become clogged with oil and dead skin cells, leading to the formation of pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads. It can be influenced by hormonal imbalances, genetics, lifestyle factors, and skincare habits. Acne not only affects the skin’s appearance but can also have a significant impact on self-esteem and emotional well-being.

At Dr. Ginny Clinic, we take a personalized approach to acne treatment. Our doctor will conduct a thorough assessment of your skin and acne severity to design a tailored chemical peel treatment plan. Chemical peels are a proven solution for exfoliating the skin, unclogging pores, and reducing acne-causing bacteria, leading to a smoother, clearer complexion.

What is a Chemical Peel?

A chemical peel is a professional cosmetic treatment that involves the application of a type of chemical solution to the skin, which causes it to exfoliate the outermost skin layer and stimulate the growth of new, healthier skin cells. By doing so, chemical peels can effectively reduce the visibility of acne scars, leaving the skin looking smoother and more even-toned. This process helps to improve the skin’s appearance and texture by addressing various skin concerns, including acne. It works by removing the top layer of dead skin cells and unclogging pores, reducing the occurrence of acne breakouts. Additionally, chemical peels stimulate collagen production, promoting skin regeneration and reducing the appearance of acne scars. Chemical peel can also target hyperpigmentation caused by acne too, effectively lightening dark spots or darker skin colour and creating a more even skin tone. 

Is Chemical Peel good for all skin types?

Chemical peels are generally safe and effective for various skin types, including those with acne, sun damage, and hyperpigmentation. However, individuals with sensitive skin, active infections, or certain medical conditions, such as eczema or rosacea, may not be suitable candidates for a chemical peel. Furthermore, individuals with open wounds, or sunburned skin should refrain from getting a peel until their skin has fully healed. You can consult with our professional doctor at Dr. Ginny Clinic to determine if a chemical peel is appropriate for your specific skin type and condition. 

Benefits of Chemical Peel for Acne

  • Deep Exfoliation: Chemical peels penetrate deep into the skin, removing dead skin cells, excess oil, and debris, thereby reducing the chances of clogged pores and breakouts.
  • Acne Reduction: The peeling action of the treatment helps to clear existing acne blemishes and prevent future breakouts, leading to a more even skin tone.
  • Post-Acne Scarring: Chemical peels can also improve the appearance of post-acne scars and hyperpigmentation, promoting a smoother skin texture.
  • Enhanced Skin Radiance: The treatment stimulates collagen production, resulting in improved skin texture, firmness, and overall radiance.

The Chemical Peel Procedure

At Dr Ginny Clinic, our experienced doctor will evaluate your skin condition and determine the most suitable type and strength of chemical peel for your individual needs. This consultation will also provide an opportunity to discuss any concerns or questions you may have, allowing you to feel confident and informed before the procedure.

When undergoing a chemical peel for acne scars, the process typically involves several steps. First, the skin is cleansed thoroughly to remove any dirt or oils that may hinder the penetration of the chemical solution. Next, chemical peel is applied to the skin, and the patient may experience a slight tingling or burning sensation. This is a normal part of the process and indicates that the chemical is working to remove the damaged layers of skin. After a specific amount of time, the solution is neutralized and removed, revealing fresh, rejuvenated skin underneath. Depending on the severity of the acne scars, multiple sessions may be required to achieve the desired results.

Aftercare and possible side effects.

After the treatment, your skin may experience some redness and mild swelling, which is completely normal and will usually subside within a few hours. To minimize any discomfort, you will be advised to keep your skin moisturized and avoid direct sunlight for a few days. Applying a gentle, non-irritating moisturizer regularly will help soothe any dryness that may occur.

Why Choose Dr Ginny Clinic?

  • Expertise in Acne Treatment: Dr Ginny has 14 years of experience in treating acne and delivering remarkable results.
  • Customized Solutions: We understand that each person’s acne concerns are unique, and we tailor our chemical peel treatments accordingly.
  • Comprehensive Care: Your well-being is our priority, and we provide comprehensive care and support throughout your acne treatment journey.

Regain your confidence with Dr. Ginny Clinic’s Chemical Peel for mild to moderate acne treatment. Schedule a consultation today to start your journey towards clearer and healthier skin.